Motto: Know God - Grow Character - Achieve Potential - Make A Difference
Principal's Welcome
Tēnā tātou katoa. Hōnore ki te Atua. Kororia ki te Atua.
It is an honour and privilege for me and my family to be part of this community and to work with the proprietor (Renew Church), the board of trustees, the parents and the students towards the plans and purposes God has for Renew School.
Renew School developed from the vision God planted in our founders in 1977 and the passion of a group of parents to start the school in 1993. It became an Integrated, Special Character, Area School in 1996.

From year one to year thirteen
A successful curriculum needs to be founded on basic premises about the world we live in. The following reflect the foundations of the curriculum at Renew School:
The curriculum aims to help students respond to God and seek their place in His world, serving Him by maximising the skills and abilities He has given them, whilst covering all aspects of the NZ Curriculum. Renew School is unashamedly Christian. Biblical principles permeate all curriculum areas, and subjects are taught from a Christian perspective. Scripture memory is an integral part of students learning.
Renew Mission Statement
To provide for students a sound, basic Christian Education that is loyal to the Bible, Christ-centred, promotes those values and standards and recognises that Christian spiritual values permeate all curriculum areas. To provide for parents/guardians an alternative choice of school for developing their children to their full potential in God